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The Down's Syndrome North Yorkshire Charity Donation Options

Direct Bank Donations

We like to abbreviate our rather convoluted title to the DSNY Charity

However our title at the bank is 

Down's Syndrome Association North Yorkshire Branch

Our Sort Code: 30-99-99

Account No: 02220539

Donations Via Paypal

Please make payments to the following account

Simply log in to paypal from this link and choose to send money to the above email address via the friends and family option.

Paypal will do the rest


Donations via Paypal Giving Fund


Please click on the link below


We are, of course extremely grateful for any donations no matter how small (or large) and we would always protect your anonymity, but If you would be kind enough to drop us a an email from the CONTACT US page, we can check that your intended donation has arrived in our account, we can send you a receipt if required, but most importantly a huge thank you.


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